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sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2008

Illustration Friday: Sugary (Hansel and Gretel Illustration)

My entry for this week IF. When I read the prompt (*sugary*), I, immediately thought about Hansel and Gretel (João e Maria). A little rushed, sketchy- like...but oh well. So, here it is.
Media: Watercolors

Minha entrada para o Illustration Friday. O tema era *Sugary* (algo como 'açucarado') e a primeira idéia que me veio a cabeça foi João e Maria (Hansel e Gretel).
Usei aquarela:)

4 comentários:

Mary Stebbins Taitt disse... [Reply to comment]

Cool idea! Nice. Fun!


soulbrush disse... [Reply to comment]

i was wondering who would do hansel and gretel, excellent!

INDIGENE disse... [Reply to comment]

One of my favorite fairy tales. Well done!

thedoodlegirl disse... [Reply to comment]

Magical! So fun.

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