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terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2009

Art Everyday Month 3rd Day: Coca-Cola Bottle #aedm

November 3rd. Day 3. Coca-Cola fun.

First of all, I would like to apologize for the (bad!) English in this post.

Some fun with a Coca-Cola (glass) bottle. It is one of those smaller bottles, a bit more *chumby* than the normal ones. Here in Brazil, it's not easy to find them (I bought mine in Pão de Açucar )

I used (red) acrilic ink but you can use glass ink or even spray.

This is the result of only one hand of ink- (for a better result you need to repeat the process at least 2 more times) - but here you can get a idea of how it will look .


Terceiro dia do AED. Hoje eu resolvi me divertir um pouco com uma daquelas gafarras (de vidro) de coca-cola. São aquelas menorzinhas e gordinhas, sabe? A minha eu achei no Pão-de Açucar.

Eu usei tinta acrílica vermelha mas você também pode usar tinta vitral ou até mesmo tinta spray. É claro que para ficar um bom resultado é necessário, pelo menos, mais duas demãos (essa palavra existe?) de tinta- aqui eu só passei uma mão mas já dá para ter uma noção do resultado:)

4 comentários:

ELLIE disse... [Reply to comment]

I have some of those bottles and never thought of doing anything with them - I love your idea - came out great--your english is just fine--I understand...
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog - I so appreciate~

Julie Jordan Scott disse... [Reply to comment]

I would never have thought to do this with a Coke bottle! How cool and innovative you are!

I look forward to getting to know you better through AEDM.

Vicki Holdwick disse... [Reply to comment]

What a great idea!

Love your site - your English is just fine.


linda disse... [Reply to comment]

Love reuse through upcycling normal everyday elements! Great work!

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