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sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010

Photography: 'Wondering' #ced2010

Wondering by *sweetlemmon on deviantART

Somehow this has something to do with this month theme at Creative EveryDay. No, I dont live in the ocean nor I am a mermaid. It's just I took this pic from my living room window.
It's so bloody hot these days that isnt funny, you know? And I hate the heat. Hate it. When I saw this bird (sorry, I forgot the name in English. In Portuguese is Gaivota) I so envied him (sp?) (yeah, I think its a he:P) He looked so happy, so free, so freshed-up. He looked cool...

Well, that's it.
Have a nice weekend everyone!

2 comentários:

nanke's stuff disse... [Reply to comment]

What a spectacular view from your home! It seems so funny that you're so hot and I'm so cold ... it's freezing here and there's snow on the ground and on Tuesday we're supposed to get 7 inches .... 7 INCHES of snow, she whined. lol nancy

jolly arora disse... [Reply to comment]

very nice blog.......
Aman Toor

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