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segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

After a long time...some Moleskine art

A month without posting...I had some personal and technical (sp?) issues was a bit difficult to post here. But I am baaack! :P This time for good!

So, these are some sketches I made on Moleskine.

Ah! And btw, Happy Friend's Day! FELIZ DIA DO AMIGO!!!

4 comentários:

Anônimo disse... [Reply to comment]

I especially love the clothes line sketch. So vivid!!

carin.c disse... [Reply to comment]

Glad you were able to get back... I really like the clothesline sketch. Lots of energy in it.

Leah disse... [Reply to comment]

welcome back!! i adore the clothesline image!!

Sweet-Lemmon disse... [Reply to comment]

Julie, Carin, Leah...
Thank You so much!

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